Employee Engagement & Happiness Talks.

Data driven, insight led talks.

As someone who was incredibly shy at school, public speaking has been a huge personal challenge for me.

My business career has given me the confidence to speak in front of audiences of thousands but inside I am still that same shy boy from a little village in Essex.

My talks cover a range of data and research that is focused on understanding the link between a thriving culture and organisational performance.

Here are some of my data driven talks;

12 Million Lessons in Employee Happiness: The Super Happiness Suit With In-Built Emotional Deflector Field.

Freedom to be Happy: The Business Case For Happiness.

The Happiness Index Founder Story: Scaling Happiness.

Freedom to be Human: The Hierarchy of Employee Engagement & Happiness.

Does Giving up Alcohol Impact Your Happiness? My Personal Data & External Research From Giving up Booze.

Founding, Growing, Scaling & Exiting a Business: I share all my mistakes and lessons from 15 years as an entrepreneur.

I am always open to discussing new projects and ideas.

The session that Matt presented was extremely well received, and has had a ripple effect through the wider business and I know he’s now in great demand! I’d recommend Matt comes to your business if you’re looking to engage teams and colleagues at any level, so he can impart his insight and knowledge, and make a real difference.

Chris Ward

Regional Relationship Manager

Matt's talk was so inspiring and the team were absolutely buzzing after it! A few people even purchased his book during the session, they were so inspired. Matt definitely has a way of lifting morale and getting everyone to think differently, which was exactly what we needed - thank you, Matt!

Caroline Clemens
Head of Digital Marketing
Joma Jewellery & Katie Loxton